Time for the good news

Episode 4

Dan & Susan Grandfield Season 2 Episode 4

Susan and Dan return with even more good news to share with you.  This month's episode is packed full of nothing but good news for you to enjoy, be inspired by and share with others.

In this episode we bring you stories about:

  • planet friendly Omega 3
  • Bengal tigers and turtles
  • the CEO who put people before profit
  • glow in the dark bacteria
  • a Microsoft innovation for the kitchen!

We'd love for you to help us share this good news far and wide so please let others know they can listen and subscribe via our website - www.timeforthegoodnews.co.uk

We would also love to hear your good news stories so that we can share them with the world in a future episode.  Get in touch via Facebook or email - susan@susangrandfield.com or dan@bluecragsconsulting.com