Time for the good news

Episode 3

Dan & Susan Grandfield Season 3 Episode 3

In this latest episode of nothing but good news we share stories from across the world which will surprise and delight you, make you laugh, make you think and generally lift your spirits!

So, tune in to hear about:

  • new evidence for the benefits of eating dark chocolate
  • a new and unexpected youtube sensation
  • foraging and poo experiments
  • the resurgence of bookshops
  • a new agreement which will reduce the number of chargers you need in your life

Two of our stories came from our listeners and so we'd love to encourage others to share their good news stories with us.    Get in touch via email - susan@susangrandfield.com or dan@bluecragsconsulting.com, via Facebook - susananddanspodcast or our website - www.timeforthegoodnews.co.uk.